A Better Educated Workforce

Tailored Employer Education Assistance Programs

How ClearDegree works for Employers

See how Jane, an HR Professional and Kelly, an employee save thousands in time and tuition with ClearDegree.

Get a Better Educated Workforce.

Get more for your tuition dollar

Companies with tuition reimbursement programs get the most efficient AND effective use of their reimbursement dollars. The investment in ClearDegree pays off in multiples with each employee.

Help employees take the step

Companies with tuition reimbursement programs get the most efficient AND effective use of their reimbursement dollars. The investment in ClearDegree pays off in multiples with each employee.

No more one-size-fits-all degrees

Corporate/College partnerships are great, but they can also be limiting. With ClearDegree, each employee is interviewed, profiled, and presented with options that align with their unique personal and professional needs from among thousands of programs, resulting in the perfect onlinedegree at the right price.